Sunday, April 26, 2009
Salam & hola,
Today is the last day for Tropical BOSIET that i have attend since last Friday. Morning time we learn about many type of boat transfer like picture below.
But only this type of boat transfer applicable to the company as picture below.
Finish the theory we proceed to do practical of boat transfer as photo above.
After the practical we have a break then proceed to classroom to learn about lifeboat.
Finish theory we proceed to the lifeboat, and applied what we learn earlier.
After the lifeboat practical we have a break again then proceed again to classroom for Basic fire fighter course. Then lunch break.
After lunch break we use proper PPE then the instructor teach us what suppose we do during the practical. Then we proceed to the smoke house, first one by one go inside the smoke house and apply what we have to do incase got fire. Later group by group.
Then we do the fire fighter practical for almost all the fire classification.
After that we change our clothes and then back to class. We fill the assesment/comment then we were give the course certificate.
We all shake hand, when the turn i have to shake hand with him... he look at my face & smile...i smile too... without saying anything...
Then i walk to my car...when i almost out from the training centre ... i see him, he near his car...i wave my hand and smile...he smile & wave too....
Comment from Adam
I saw this "excercise" course by Petronas people last week kat Malaysia Airlines Academy, (Kelana Jaya) last week... Tapi course nie bukannya untuk org2 yg nak offshore jer??? Confuse sat! Tak tau lah....tapi rasa nya mungkin untuk orang yang kerja menggunakan pesawat apa aja maupun heli atau aeroplane kot...
Seram ooo masa derang terbalikkan heli tu.... sorang mamat yg wat wet drill tu cakap, kena strap belt ketat2 so bila heli tu terbalik dalam air, senang jer belt tu direleasekan nanti... (huhuhu.. Macam best la pulak!)
Iya emang agak seram bagi orang yang pertama kali....
Anyway, bab phone number tu,... 1) Dont expect anything, we just do what we suppose to do... like us, some of the participant also curious about the other participant.
Iya sih....tapi aku orang nya berat mulut, tapi kalau orang itu yang mulakan atau orang itu peramah.... mungkin aku akan bercerita banyak sama orang itu.... aku orangnya tidak suka memulakan pembicaraan.... aku maunya orang itu dulu yang mulakan...bukan kerna aku sombong tapi itulah sikap ku....
First day emang dia yang mulakan berbicara sama aku, CUMA aku aja yang agak dingin.... dia tanya satu ...aku jawab satu.... I didn’t make effort to make the conversation longer...napa aku bersikap begitu ya....ntahlah...
2) "You just dont know unless u try". Simple quote but huge meaning...
Nice QUOTE but now it to late.....the course is already over and i didn’t get his number...pity me... i should apply this quote if i have a chance again... but i have to brave enough & confident...
3) Jgn la terus2 terpa mintak phone number but always begin with a smile. Kalau ada response yg baik, tanya la soalan2 mudah seperti... "Bila nak offshore nie? Nanti boleh la contact2!" (walaupun dua ayat tu tak relevan langsung antara satu sama lain...) Hahhahha!
Good idea but it too late... Aku orangnya memang tak pandai bercerita / make story...that my weakness....
p/s : Cute la ex.. mintak phone number dia boleh?? Hhahahhaahh!! (See.. senang tak i mintak phone number org? ) Hhahahahah!!
My Ex memang cute, dia 14 years younger than me....his indonesian from Bandung....his the only fair guy i fall in love ....because my taste yang sweet sweet.... tak taste yang fair fair ni... tak tau kenapa aku bisa jatuh cinta padanya....he he he...
He will back to his country end of this month and tak balik kerja lagi ke brunei.... he have a very nice parent .... baik banget.... ayahnya so friendly and suka bercanda....dan ibunya ngomong apa adanya ...polos dan jujur bangat..... beruntung betul kalau dapat mertua (mantan) yang begitu...he he he....
Satu perkara yang aku masih ingat.....yang terkeluar dari mulut ibunya... bahawasanya.. Akulah orang yang paling sayang sama my ex di Brunei.... gila itupun dia bilang sama ibunya...
Walaupun hubungan kami sekarang cuma sekadar mantan... but we still be friend... I don’t like lover become enemy... after the break-up.... we still be friend forever...Above photo is One of my ex photo different posing....
Lastly ....apapun yang aku coret di sini adalah base on what happen & what i feel...
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