Saturday, April 25, 2009
Salam & hola,
Today is my second day course where the whole day practical for HUET (Helicopter Underwater Escape Training) & Offshore Survival ...
Morning we have to do HUET.... i dont like this practical because i can't swim & i don't have enough confident to do the practical....but i have too...There were 6 time ditching to the water...1st one without using breathing apparatus & the window open. The second one still without breathing apparatus but this one is more...more difficult because the helicopter have to turn upside down before we have to go out from the window.
The third & forth same as the first & second but using breathing apparatus, it more convinient to breath but i still feel scare & a bit panic to do it, but manage pass these.
When came to to fifth ditching, i fail to go out from the helicopter because i can't push out the window. So i have to redo it again but the instructor ask me to rest first then later i have to follow the last group to do the fifth & sixth ditching.When the time come, I manage to finish the fifth & sixth ditching.... Alhamdulillah ternyata aku bisa melakukannya....
After lunch then after the breifing about Offhore Survival....we go to the pool again this one is more easy and convinient then the HUET.Adamdryx thanks for the comment... but i think im not going to ask for the telephone number....BECAUSE
1 my instinct tell me that his straight, and it not easy to turn straight guy to BI.
2 im not confident
3 im a person that not good in Public Relation (Aku seorang yang pendiam, kalau aku suka seseorang aku cuma suka memerhatikan tapi tak berani untuk menegur)
4 He look a bit my ex.... as photo belowRasanya photo my ex yang di bawah ini lebih mirip dengan cowok yang sama course itu
Aku tidak mau mengharap banyak, mungkin cukuplah aku cuma meliatnya dalam 3 hari ini, esok hari terakhir aku bisa menatapnya...Soalnya esok hari terakhir course aku bersama dia.
Jika di takdirkan bertemu dengan dia atau our relation berkembang.... aku terima tapi kalau cuma 3 hari ini aja....aku juga terima....kerana salah satu cara untuk bahagia ...tidak mengharap...
1 Comment:
I saw this "excercise" course by Petronas people last week kat Malaysia Airlines Academy, (Kelana Jaya) last week...
Tapi course nie bukannya untuk org2 yg nak offshore jer??? Confuse sat!
Seram ooo masa derang terbalikkan heli tu.... sorang mamat yg wat wet drill tu cakap, kena strap belt ketat2 so bila heli tu terbalik dalam air, senang jer belt tu direleasekan nanti...
(huhuhu.. Macam best la pulak!)
Anyway, bab phone number tu,...
1) Dont expect anything, we just do what we suppose to do... like us, some of the participant also curious about the other participant.
2) "You just dont know unless u try". Simple quote but huge meaning...
3) Jgn la terus2 terpa mintak phone number but always begin with a smile. Kalau ada response yg baik, tanya la soalan2 mudah seperti... "Bila nak offshore nie? Nanti boleh la contact2!"
(walaupun dua ayat tu tak relevan langsung antara satu sama lain...)
p/s : Cute la ex.. mintak phone number dia boleh??
(See.. senang tak i mintak phone number org? )
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