Friday, October 23, 2009
Salam & hola,
Last two day, one of my collague at Head Quarter asked me to come to Head Quarter on friday (today) and she asked me to bring Cheese Cake for a small makan. I didn't realize it until they sing birthday song for me while bringing the birthday cake.I felt terharu lah....he he he.... it was a surprice..... eventhough advanced ...i really appreciate it. They make my birthday celebration advance because they thought that i will be on leave on my birthday like last year.... he he he...
Thanks for the birthday makan....guys....
salam amee,
what a nice advance surprise. It shows that people around you especially your office mate cares for you by organizing the treat. my truly sincere apology for not remembering your exact date...what a friend..huhuhu
luv always
waalaikumsalam feereez,
Ya.. im really glad to have that surprice. Alhamdulillah...have friends cares about me.
About the exact birthday date,it ok bro...
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